Key Reasons Why You Need an E-Commerce Website

by Nov 14, 2018Learning Center

As part of your digital transformation strategy, you may be considering the development of an eCommerce website. Online eCommerce can help you grow your business by expanding the reach of your target customers and increasing the online visibility of your business and your brand.

Most likely you have used an eCommerce website in your online shopping: interacting with online product pages, product comparison tools, shipping information, a shopping cart and track your order history. These are the components of most online stores.

Why an eCommerce Website Now?

Some telltale signs that it is time to invest in an eCommerce include:

  • More and more of your competitors have online stores
  • Your customers are asking you if they can buy online
  • Prospects are visiting your website during “non-business” hours
  • Your customers are complaining that they can’t yet buy online from you
  • New visitors to your site are not staying long and are not coming back


Your Customers Want to Buy Online

Whether you are selling B2B or B2C, your customers are seeking the convenience of buying online. According to Andy Hoar, former Forrester analyst, B2B digital commerce guru, and author of “Death of the B2B Salesman,” more than one-third of B2B buyers already make purchases online and more than half expect to be buying online by 2020. More and more, your buyers are digital-savvy millennials who want the convenience of:

  • 24/7 online buying
  • Faster processes
  • The option of quickly and easily comparing prices and product features
  • The ability to track purchases


Benefits for Your Business

Not only can an eCommerce website help you expand your business beyond your local area, but it can also help you get to know your customers better. Through an effective eCommerce website design, you can:


The Right Approach to eCommerce

We can help you get started with eCommerce website development. Our approach is to develop an eCommerce shop that incorporates responsive design, quality product content and appropriate keywords for SEO. The goal is to develop a frictionless buying journey that is enjoyable and convenient for your customers.


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