Branding Strategies for a Successful Brand Launch

by May 10, 2019Branding

Going to market with a new product or service is an exciting time in your company! Taking the time to plan out your brand market initiation can make the difference between success or a complete flop.


1. Create a Consistent Branding Visual Look

  • It is important to create your brand’s personality and core values through the visual elements. Use Canva or hire a graphic designer to help you create your logo, color scheme, and other visual elements you need to launch your product. This includes business cards, product labels, social media images, email graphics, videos, photography, website, and more.


2. Create your Consistent Brand-Specific Language

  • Write out your vision statement (where you want to go), mission statement (who you want to be), and your 30-second elevator pitch (who you serve and what you do). Then use this language again and again in your launch. Be consistent.


3. Identify Brand Touch Points

  • Brainstorm the High Impact, Easy to Implement actions that will generate the biggest ROI for the least amount of effort and money.
  • Hire the right people to help you develop any brand assets you cannot do on your own.  


4. Lock Down Your Online Properties.

  • Reserve a domain (It’s a good idea to get several variations on the domain so no one else can launch a similar product on a similar domain.)
  • Register all the social media accounts, even the ones you don’t plan on using actively.
  • Ask your early adopters to leave reviews on all the major review sites.
  • Claim your free Google My Business account
  • If there are industry-specific directory listings, get your account created with them.


5. Plan Your Successful Brand Launch

  • Open your website with a minimum of 6 pages (Home, About, Contact, Products, Services, Privacy Policy)
  • Create your eCommerce store or online checkout page, if applicable.
  • Send out a press release through a wire service.
  • Post to all the social accounts, preferably via a Live Stream or video.
  • Post the press release to your website’s blog.
  • Send out an email blast to your list or a purchased list.
  • Run paid advertising (social and Google).
  • If you’re a local-only company, consider sending out a direct mail piece and contacting your local Chamber or economic development organization for a ribbon cutting and open house.


How long should a successful go-to-market preparation take?

The bigger the launch, the more time you should spend to get all the details right. We recommend a minimum of four months, but it could take longer depending on the availability of professionals you need to hire, print run timelines, and production schedules.

Ready to take your brand to market? InSync specializes in branding go-to-market strategies. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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