Each social media company has its own unique pros and cons, but as a whole, social media can be a positive yet challenging concept to master. The Pros of Using Social Media for your Business People: There are tons of people on each platform. Each one can be...
84% of Your Customers Read Reviews First
84% of Your Customers Read Reviews First Can You Afford to Ignore Your Online Reputation? If you're running a business, online reviews can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If your reviews are positive, they're a huge boon for your business. After all, 84...
Are Meta Tags an SEO Ranking Factor?
What Role Does Meta Information Play In Discoverability? The relevance of meta tags in ranking your website in search results has recently caused some controversy. Some see meta descriptions as a tool that is helpful but ultimately unnecessary for ranking, yet it’s...
Pay-Per-Click Advertising Skyrockets Profits for an eCommerce Store
A PPC Case Study BuildASoil (BAS) is an online retail supplier for organic soil bases, amendments, composts, fertilizers, and growing systems. Gardeners design their own custom soil and nutrient mixes on their website, which are then bagged and delivered to their...
Optimizing Your Off-Page SEO for Ultimate Domain Authority
Many business owners ask themselves why their website isn’t showing up on Google searches. Or if it does, it is way down in the rankings. The problem is, many business owners don’t understand what factors make Google recognize and promote your website. There are...
Technical SEO and Why It’s Important in Today’s Marketplace
Those of us old enough to remember Altavista, Google’s precursor, will also recall our excitement when Google showed up, delivering faster, more efficient searches. That is also when Search Engine Optimization (SEO) made its first, timid appearance. Developers needed...
The Importance of On-page Optimization for SEO
You’ve probably heard about SEO. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a frequently used phrase when developing any web content. That’s because this is a force behind a lot of what drives web-traffic. On-page optimization involves what you can do to improve your SEO...