The Psychology of Brand Loyalty and De-Positioning

The Psychology of Brand Loyalty and De-Positioning

What do we want? Customers. What kind of customers? Loyal customers. How do we create loyal customers? By investing in our brand. It sounds like a demonstration chant but it perfectly sums up the basis of all marketing. To thrive in the business world, companies need...
Understanding The Multitask Unified Model

Understanding The Multitask Unified Model

What Is the Multitask Unified Model (MUM)? Google is about to make our searches much more interesting and significantly faster. We have known for a few months that Google was preparing something radically different from its current BERT algorithm. Google first...

What Is UserWay?

Did you know that accessibility is technically a legal prerequisite for your website? According to Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all public areas must accommodate people with disabilities—and this may include websites. More importantly,...
The User Experience Index

The User Experience Index

Why do you have a website? The most common answers we hear are: to make sales, to inform your audience, or to present your products. All of these are valid reasons. But how do you evaluate whether your website is not only performing its task, but also doing so at an...
Structured Data Schema and SEO

Structured Data Schema and SEO

InSync Offers Schema Markup to its Customers “How can I come up on the first page in the Google search results?” This is by far the most common question we get asked by our clients. With billions of websites already active and thousands more being added every day, the...
Content Marketing 101

Content Marketing 101

Did you know that Google values quality content above anything else? Even when a website is not performing perfectly, if the content is valuable, interesting, and helpful, Google will rank this website higher than its competitors. We have often heard that content is...
Differences in Web Design between Countries

Differences in Web Design between Countries

Here at InSync, we like to peruse international websites to see what’s happening in the rest of the world. It keeps us informed and alert about the latest international trends and strategies employed by web designers, developers, programmers, and social media...

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